<body><h1><strong>Brewer’s yeast</strong></h1><h2> <strong>Description:</strong></h2><p>Brewer’s yeast is known as one of the inactivated, dry fungi known as yeast fungi, as most types of Brewer’s yeast are produced from this type of fungi, which is a eukaryotic fungus, and it is rich in nutrients that provide the body with many health benefits, such as: B vitamins, proteins, and minerals such as chromium in its bioactive form, known as glucose tolerance factor. Yeast has been used in bread since 2000 BC, and it is also used as a nutritional supplement, specifically for vegetarians, because it contains B complex vitamins, and it is worth noting that Brewer’s yeast differs from other types of yeasts, such as bread yeast, nutritional yeast, and Torula yeast. And, the Brewer’s yeast and the nutritional yeast share their nutritional elements. The Brewer’s yeast is known as its bitter taste. It is available in the form of liquid, tablets, dried powder or chips, and it can be added to juice, cocktail, and water. The dose for adults is approximately one to two tablespoons per day. .</p><h2><strong>Benefits:</strong></h2><p>Brewer’s yeast is a rich source of nutrients such as: chromium, protein, and B vitamins, as well as selenium. It is also a source rich in iron, potassium, zinc, and magnesium. Below is a breakdown of these nutrients:</p><p><strong>Vitamin B Complex:</strong> Vitamin B Complex includes all B vitamins, including thiamine or vitamin B1, riboflavin known as vitamin B2, niacin or vitamin B3, patothenic acid or vitamin B5, pyrodexin or what is known as 6, folic acid or vitamin B9, and biotin which is known With vitamin B7, these vitamins help the body break down carbohydrates, protein, and fats to produce energy, as they support the nervous system, and contribute to maintaining the muscles used in digestion processes, in addition to maintaining the health of the skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.</p><p><strong>Protein:</strong> Brewer’s yeast is a good source of protein, as it forms about 52% of its weight, and all human cells contain proteins, so protein must be consumed from the diet to help the body rebuild and repair cells.</p><p><strong>Chromium:</strong> Brewer’s yeast is a rich source of chromium, which contributes to maintaining blood sugar levels, and it also enhances the role of insulin, the hormone responsible for absorbing and storing glucose in the blood, as it works alongside insulin to help the body use the existing sugar In the blood, it also participates in the metabolism of protein, fats, and carbohydrates, in addition to providing energy for the brain and muscles.</p><p><strong>Selenium: </strong>Selenium is one of the trace elements, which has a vital and important role in the process of reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, and the building of chromosomal DNA, in addition to reducing the risk of infection and oxidative stress.</p><p><strong>Potassium:</strong> Potassium is one of the electrolyte elements, which are the elements that carry an electrical charge when dissolved in body fluids, and potassium is found inside cells, and it is important for cells, nerves, and muscles to perform their functions.</p><p><strong>Iron:</strong> It is one of the minerals that the body needs to perform many functions, such as: helping muscles to store and consume oxygen, and it is involved in the synthesis of many proteins and enzymes, in addition to that, iron is part of hemoglobin in the blood, which is the protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to all over the body.</p><p><strong>Zinc:</strong> Zinc is one of the nutrients found throughout the body, and it helps the immune system to perform its functions, and it enters into the body’s metabolism processes, and it is important for wound healing, the sense of taste and smell.</p><p><strong>Magnesium: </strong>Magnesium plays an important role for more than 300 enzymatic reactions inside the human body, including: helping muscles and nerves perform their functions, in addition to regulating blood pressure, and supporting the immune system.</p><p><strong>There is insufficient evidence for its efficacy.</strong></p><p><strong>Helping to reduce blood sugar:</strong> The glucose tolerance factor found in Brewer’s yeast enhances the insulin hormone response by linking it with insulin and increasing its absorption in blood vessels, which is beneficial for people who suffer from insulin resistance, as a study published in the International journal of preventive medicine in 2013 showed that consuming Brewer’s yeast in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at a dose of 1800 mg per day for 12 weeks, along with the medications they are used to taking, can improve their blood sugar level. It is worth noting that taking chromium-containing brewer’s yeast with hypoglycemic drugs can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics <strong>Contribute to reducing cholesterol levels:</strong> Research has indicated that consuming brewer’s yeast that contains chromium by mouth for eight weeks reduces total cholesterol levels and increases the level of good cholesterol (HDL) in people who suffer from high cholesterol in the blood.</p><p><strong> Reducing Irritable Bowel Syndrome:</strong> Brewer’s yeast can relieve irritable bowel syndrome, a digestive disorder characterized by abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation. And in a comprehensive analysis published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology in 2017, which includes a group of Studies, conducted on 579 people with irritable bowel syndrome, showed that taking Brewer’s yeast supplements can improve symptoms caused by irritable bowel syndrome.</p><h2><strong>Does Brewer’s yeast help in slimming or weight gain?</strong></h2><p>&nbsp;Some people use beer yeast to help them lose weight, while others use it to help them gain it, and it can be said that the chromium in the Brewer’s yeast can help reduce body fat, but its effect in this is considered minor compared to the fat that the body loses when exercising, and following diets to reduce weight. Brewer’s yeast can be used as a protein supplement and booster for energy production, so it may contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. A study published in Nutrition Reviews indicated that the human body’s response to brewer’s yeast in order to reduce weight depends on the body’s stores of the element chromium, the quality of the food followed during this period, the type and quantity of nutritional supplements that contain chromium, in addition to the effect of chromium in reducing The weight was minor. As for the effect of brewer’s yeast on weight gain, there are no studies or information indicating this, and experts recommend gaining weight by adopting healthy methods, and avoiding those that depend on eating unhealthy foods, as it has a role in weight gain but it is harmful to human health, so it is possible gain weight by increasing muscle and fat under the skin tissue in a balanced way, instead of accumulating fat in the abdomen, by following a healthy diet, and following a healthy lifestyle to increase muscle mass and fat in a healthy way.</p><h3><strong>Side effects and contraindications for Brewer’s yeast:</strong></h3><p><strong>Pregnant and breastfeeding women:</strong> There is not enough information confirming the safety of using brewer’s yeast during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and therefore it is best to avoid it during these periods.</p><p><strong>People with yeast allergy:</strong> People who are allergic to yeasts may experience itching and swelling if they consume brewer’s yeast.</p><p><strong>People with Crohn’s disease:</strong> Brewer’s yeast can worsen the conditions of people with Crohn’s disease, so it is recommended that people with this disease avoid using Brewer’s yeast.</p><p><strong>Diabetics:</strong> Consuming Brewer’s yeast containing chromium along with sugar-lowering medications can significantly lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, so these patients should monitor their blood sugar levels well when taking brewer’s yeast with diabetes medications.</p><p><strong>People with a weak immune system:</strong> It is believed that consuming brewer’s yeast supplements for people who have a weak immune system can cause infection in the blood, and therefore they are advised to avoid using them, and among these people: people with AIDS, cancer patients, and people who take drugs that prevent the body from rejection of transplanted organs.s</p></body>