Cissus Quadrangularis
syn. vitis quadrangularis
syn. veld grape
Cissus quadrangularis is a vine producing plant of the vitaceae family, found natively throughout West Africa and Southeast Asia. Cissus has a long history of use in traditional Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine, where it has been applied as a pain reliever and wellness tonic, and to treat a number of medical conditions including asthma, menstrual irregularities, indigestion, heart burn/acid reflux, and parasitic worms. Cissus quadrangularis contains a number of different active components including flavonoids, vitamin C, carotene, ketosteroids, calcium, and betasitosterol. In sports nutrition, cissus quadrangularis products are promoted to increase muscle mass and strength, and reduce joint/tendon pain associated with heavy lifting or exercise.
Cissus quadrangularis is known to exert several different biological activities. To begin with, studies support its analgesic properties, and suggest they may be caused by the inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolism.214 This is also the target of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen. In-vitro studies also suggest it has potent antioxidant and free radical savaging properties. It may also have an immunomodulatory effect,215 and possess anti-microbial properties (capable of killing certain bacteria).216 Cissus quadrangularis has also been shown to support the mucous lining in the gastroin testinal tract, potentially protecting against ulcers.217 It may also have acetylcholine-like actions in the central nervous system.218
With regard to its potentially beneficial effects on metabolism, human studies have shown that cissus quadrangularis can support reductions in adipose (fat) mass. Although its exact mechanism of action is not understood, in-vitro studies have shown it to inhibit amylase, an enzyme involved in the breakdown of starch into sugar.219 It was also shown to inhibit the enzyme lipase, which is involved in the breakdown and transport of dietary fat. Cissus quadrangularis has also been shown to increase bone mineral density, counteracting the catabolic actions of cortisol.220 It has been theorized this may extend to muscle anabolic or anti-catabolic properties, although no definitive studies in humans have yet been conducted to determine if such activities are present.
Promoted Benefits:
Cissus quadrangularis is promoted to block the catabolic effects of cortisol, and increase lean muscle mass and strength.
Clinical Studies:
Cissus quadrangularis has been shown in human placebo-controlled studies to improve a metabolic marker (creatinine levels) often linked to positive changes in body composition or performance. It has a Clinical Support Rating of 3 (3/5).
One placebo-controlled study examined the effects of cissus quadrangularis extract on body fat and markers of oxidative stress in obese men and women.221 Each subject consumed 300 mg of cissus quadrangularis per day for eight weeks. There was no exercise involved in this study, although some subjects were subject to dietary (caloric) restrictions. The supplementation of cissus was shown to cause significant reductions in body weight and body fat percentage, supporting its use as a weight-loss supplement. Cissus was also shown to produce beneficial improvements in serum cholesterol, triglyceride, and glucose levels.
Contrary to common representations, this study did not report lean body mass measurements for the subjects. It did, however, measure serum creatinine levels. The major endogenous source for creatinine is the metabolism of creatine in the muscles. Because of this, creatinine is sometimes used as an indirect marker of muscle mass (its level correlating closely with the amount of muscle mass needed to produce it).222 Researchers theorize this might represent a muscle anabolic effect. It remains unclear, however, if the body composition changes induced by cissus quadrangularis in this study actually included the retention/increase of skeletal muscle.
Peer reviewed placebo-controlled studies examining the effects of this supplement on skeletal muscle mass and exercise performance have not been published. Further research is needed to determine if cissus quadrangularis has ergogenic effects in humans.
Empirical Evidence:
Cissus quadrangularis is widely available as a standalone nutritional supplement. The feedback on its use as a sport supplement has been very mixed. The analgesic properties of this supplement appear to be well supported. Cissus is becoming highly valued for its ability to reduce joint and tendon pain, with many bodybuilders and athletes in contact sports now using it as a natural alternative to over-the-counter pain medications. This benefit, however, has unfortunately not coincided with common anecdotal reports of noticeable muscle and strength gain, or improved exercise performance. While many users do report such activity, this does not occur with enough frequency to consider it a positive trend. As an ergogenic aid, cissus quadrangularis has an Empirical Evidence Rating of 3 (3/5).
Effective Dosage:
An effective dosage of this supplement has not been established. Manufacturers commonly recommend 1,000-3,000 mg of cissus quadrangularis per day. Note there are various extracts of different standardization potencies.
Side Effects / Safety:
Cissus quadrangularis appeared to be well tolerated during clinical studies, with no significant side effects reported.223