Adipotide was created to help with fat loss. This experimental peptide has the capability to destroy fat cells and result in lowering subcutaneous fat amount, so lead to weight loss. Adipotide literally kills fat cells by deciding to terminate the apoptosis cells of the blood vessels that supply the adipocytes. Adipotide is known as a research peptidomimetic for fat loss. It was discovered by scientists in the USA to help combat obesity. From studies on monkeys, it has shown positive results in weight loss, simply because the fat cells die. With this, there is a reduction in adipose tissue, a lower BMI, and a decrease in waist size.
Here are other benefits of FTTP Adipoted:
–         Tests have discovered it might offer hope to those with diabetes simply because it lowers the side effects associated with diabetic health problems
–         It has shown positive benefits in reducing blood glucose levels. This peptide works without causing any psychological problems, simply because it has no effect on the neurotransmitter
–         Adipotide can regulate water either by removing it or retaining it when the body needs to
–         The peptide can regulate blood pressure from processing hormones
–         It can allow the body to function better.
Adipotide Dosage and Bodybuilding Use
Peptides such as Adipotide are increasingly popular in the bodybuilding scene. Because unlike other anabolic steroids, the effect on muscle building unfolds over a longer period of time and lasts longer. Peptides cause growth hormones to be released and the combination of targeted training can make the muscles more defined and larger. However, like other anabolic steroids, taking peptides can have severe side effects. These include headaches, vomiting, and circulatory problems. Artificially produced peptides are very potent in the body. They act as messenger substances, of which only very small doses normally circulate in the body. The supply of substances to build muscle is generally to be viewed very critically. In the vast majority of cases, they can disrupt or even stress the metabolism – and can damage the heart and kidneys. Please note this is for information only. We would like to stress that peptides are not for this use. Peptides are research products and still undergoing investigation by scientists. They are not for human intake.
The initial studies on Adipotide sound very promising, but there are some definite concerns that need to be addressed before this drug is available for human consumption. The drug was found to be ineffective for monkeys who were already lean so it also raises the question of if this drug would stop working once a certain weight or body fat level is reached. It appears that Adipotide is going through the proper channels for testing. This could be a great breakthrough in obesity research, but we must all remember the importance of addressing potentially dangerous side effects.