<body><h1>Over-the-Counter Medications</h1><p>THERE IS A wide range of over-the-counter (OTC) medications designed for everycommon ailment—from headaches to aching joints to congestion to indigestion. On theface of it, these seem to be inexpensive, convenient, and effective remedies.As a naturopathic physician, I try to avoid prescribing OTC medications whenever Ican. In most cases, there are natural alternatives that work just as well or better. Inaddition, there are dangers inherent in using many OTC preparations, including:• Aspirin’s blood-thinning properties can be trouble for Type Os, who alreadyhave thin blood. Furthermore, they can mask the symptoms of a seriousinfection or illness.• Antihistamines can raise blood pressure—a particular danger for Types A andAB. They can also cause sleeplessness and exacerbate prostate problems.• Habitual use of laxatives actually can cause constipation, disrupting the naturalprocess of elimination. They also can be harmful for people with Crohn’sdisease—primarily a Type O problem.• Cough, throat, and chest remedies often have side effects, including high bloodpressure, drowsiness, and dizziness.Before you take an OTC remedy to treat a headache, cramps, or any other malady,investigate the possible causes of your problem. Often, it relates to your diet or stress.For example, you might ask:• Is my headache a result of stress?• Is my stomach discomfort caused by eating foods that are indigestible for myblood type?• Are my sinus problems the result of mucus caused by eating too many mucus-generating foods? Or by eating histamine-releasing foods (such as wheat forType O)?</p><p>• Is my flu virus the result of immune-system weaknesses?</p><p>• Is my congestion or bronchitis caused by an overproduction of mucus in myrespiratory passages?</p><p>• Is my toothache caused by an infection that requires immediate medicaltreatment?</p><p>• Is my overreliance on commercial laxatives interfering with natural eliminationand causing diarrhea?</p><p>I urge you to seek medical attention if your symptoms are chronic or particularlysevere. Pain, weakness, coughs, fever, congestion, and diarrhea all can be signs ofdeeper problems. You might cover them up with medications, but you won’t beaddressing the root cause.For occasional aches, pains and irregularities, the following remedies are excellentnatural replacements for OTC drugs. They’re available in many forms from your localhealth food store or natural nutrition center—including teas, compresses, liquidtinctures, extracts, powders, and capsules.To make your own herbal tea, boil water and steep the natural herbs for about fiveminutes.Please note the key indicating special considerations for each blood type.</p><p>image</p><p>image</p><p>image</p><h1>MENSTRUAL CRAMPS</h1><p>Jamaican dogwood</p><p><span class=”ql-font-monospace”>✭</span>Currently under patent, substance of larch tree bark in a powdered form isavailable from my office under the name ARA-6. It has been tested to be anexcellent natural immune system booster. Furthermore, a substance in larchtree bark, called butyrate, is a safe and effective natural source of fiber for allblood types. For more information and orders, see Appendix F.<span class=”ql-font-monospace”>✭✭</span> Natural fiber is available in many fruits, vegetables, and grains. Be sure tocheck your blood type food list before you choose a fiber source.</p><p><br></p></body>