Sample Supplement Programs

 The first step to effective supplementation should be familiarizing yourself with the effects of each key ergogen in your respective class of activity. Once you have a better idea of what works well for you individually, you will probably start thinking about ways to combine these supplements. This section addresses this issue by detailing several sample multi-supplement programs for improving bodybuilding and sports performance. They represent some of the most basic and/or effective regimens, but are by no means the only effective way of using these supplements. It is important to emphasize that sports nutrition is a very individualized thing. The particular dietary and supplementation needs of any one athlete can be very different from others, even in the same sport. These programs, therefore, are meant only to serve as a starting point for the development of your own individually tailored programs.

Weightlifting/Bodybuilding: Program #1 (8-12 Weeks)

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 This is one of the most basic and cost-effective supplement programs for bodybuilding. Beta-alanine is known to augment the muscle-building effects of creatine, and like creatine also increases muscle power and endurance, but through a different and complimentary mechanism (maintenance of muscle pH). While creatine is responsible for increasing intracellular water retention, there is usually a significant retention of weight and lean muscle mass at the conclusion of this program. This program would be highly recommended for someone not wishing to invest a great deal of money, yet still looking for a strong anabolic effect.

Weightlifting/Bodybuilding: Program #2 (7 Weeks)

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 This is another highly effective supplement combination for increasing lean body mass. 6-OXO and arachidonic acid display a good synergy with each other, the first increasing testosterone levels, and the latter tissue sensitivity to anabolic hormones. The added BCAAs further help to reduce muscle protein catabolism and increase synthesis. This program is going to be more expensive than the creatine + beta alanine stack, although it may provide more substantial results. If 6-OXO is unavailable, Longjack (200 mg/day) could be used, although it may not be an equal replacement (it is not as effective at raising testosterone levels). Because this program includes a testosterone booster, it is for men only.

Weightlifting/Bodybuilding: Program #3 (8-12 Weeks)

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 Creatine plus arginine is also considered a very basic and fundamental supplement stack. Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate is preferred, as it appears to be more solidly supported as an ergogen in the medical literature. This combination seems to work extremely well for almost all users, barring a small percentage of individuals who are non-responsive to creatine. Some of the entire creatine dose should be taken in the post-exercise recovery window on training days.

Weightlifting/Bodybuilding: Program #4 (8 Weeks)

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 This is a commonly recommended stack for those getting introduced to sports nutrition. This stack seems to elicit mixed results, although I think enough people perform well enough with it that it is worth mentioning. For HMB/arginine responsive individuals, it seems to produce a fair gain in lean mass along with a good increase in strength, and strong vasodilation (pump) during training.

Weightlifting/Bodybuilding: Program #5 (8-12 Weeks)

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 This is a expansion of the first supplement program, making use of an additional 5-gram daily dose of CLA to help better partition nutrients to muscle instead of fat storage. BCAA’s have also been added to better support protein synthesis and reduce protein catabolism during training.

Weightlifting/Bodybuilding: Program #6 (7 Weeks)

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 This is another effective combination for increasing lean body mass. Beta-alanine is extremely effective at aiding muscle endurance, allowing the individual to push more reps and sets during their weight training sessions. Arachidonic acid release from contracting muscle fibers serves as a root trigger in the anabolic process. So you have more physical stimulation on the one hand, yielding even higher levels of ARA release on the other. Alpha-lipoic acid has also been added to help with nutrient delivery in the muscles, which should help with the heightened rates of protein synthesis.

Sports Performance (Anaerobic): Program #1 (12+ weeks)

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 Beta-alanine and citrulline malate make an excellent supplement combination for sports activities, especially for those not fond of the extra water weight brought on by creatine supplementation. These two products typically provide a very good boost in muscle endurance, as well as rate of recovery after training and events. The combination is often used for several months, or a competitive season. Given the wide variety of sports, as well as the variability in intensity, duration, and dietary requirements for recovery, the pre- during- and post-training/competition carbohydrate supplementation schedules for all sports programs serve as general guidelines only, and may be adjusted as necessary.

Sports Performance (Anaerobic): Program #2 (8-12 Weeks)

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 Comments: This program uses Caffeine and Alpha-GPC to support mental focus and energy. Phosphatidylserine is also used to improve muscle endurance and recovery following intense activity. The effect of this program may be slightly subtler that those based on stronger ergogenic substances, but should still provide noticeable improvements in mental and physical performance.

Sports Performance (Anaerobic): Program #3 (8 Weeks)

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 This combination focuses on the use of beta-alanine, mainly for its muscle endurance promoting properties, and arachidonic acid for increasing power output during sports. Branched-chain amino acids have also been added to help support muscle recovery after training/competition. Given the inclusion of arachidonic acid, this program is tailored for sports requiring a high output of muscle power, or those where intermittent bursts of energy are required.

Sports Performance (Anaerobic): Program #4 (8-12 Weeks)

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 This supplement combination should promote increases in energy and endurance during training or sports activities. Creatine does promote intracellular water retention, but generally this does not hinder performance. Creatine, in fact, appears to be very effective for general sports use. GAKIC has also been used in this program as a pre-workout supplement, which is in line with the clinical data of this ingredient so far (showing significant improvements in performance with this method of use). It, however, may also be used daily.

Sports Performance (Aerobic Endurance): Program #1 (8-12 Weeks)

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 This program uses beta-alanine as its backbone ergogen, which has been shown to help stabilize pH and extend endurance. Caffeine has been added as a pre-workout supplement to help support energy levels, and is likely most useful if the activity will last for 1 hour or less (such as medium distance running). Carbohydrates are recommended during the activity to further support energy, and preferably should be taken in the form of a sports energy drink with balanced electrolytes.

Sports Performance (Aerobic Endurance): Program #2 (8-12 Weeks)

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 This supplement stack focuses on reducing oxidative stress in the muscles, which may interfere with performance and recovery. Carnitine is also used to help promote the utilization of fat for energy during prolonged exercise, which can enhance the production of ATP and further support prolonged exercise endurance.

Sports Performance (Aerobic Endurance): Program #3 (8-12 Weeks)

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 The combination of N-acetylcysteine and phosphatidylserine are often highly favored for reducing oxidative stress and promoting muscle recovery after exercise. Both supplements have also been tied to improvements in aerobic exercise performance, and should enhance muscle endurance during prolonged activities.

Sports Performance (Aerobic Endurance): Program #4 (8-12 Weeks)

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 This program centers on improving cellular energy production and aerobic exercise endurance. Citrulline malate is the only supplement taken daily, and serves as the backbone ingredient of this program. ATP and betaine are taken shortly before all training sessions and competition events, to provide acute (immediate) improvements in aerobic performance. All supplements could be taken daily as well, if preferred. Note that it may be difficult to find an isolated ATP supplement.