Top Rated Supplements (Quick Reference)

This section provides a quick reference of those supplements with the highest combined clinical and empirical validation rating (7 or higher). They represent the products that should offer you the highest chance of success. It is important to emphasize that these are not necessarily the only effective products in sports nutrition. As discussed already, this is a field of innovation, and there are always new technologies. There may very well be other ingredients that are on the path to becoming established ergogenic aids. As it stands right now, however, these are the most proven sport supplements. Given that groundbreaking products of tangible value do not come out very often, focusing on these ingredients (instead of chasing the latest hyped-up supplement releases) should provide the strongest foundation on which to make progress. Weightlifting (Size, Strength) These are the top rated anabolic supplements, most likely to help you increase muscle size and strength when taken in conjunction with intense resistance training. Sports Performance (Energy, Power, Anaerobic Endurance) These supplements should allow you to perform for a longer period of time at optimal levels in sporting activities where brief repeat high energy output is required. These activities may include baseball, football, sprinting, long jumping, swimming, etc. Sports Performance (Aerobic Endurance) The following supplements are the most likely to improve performance during prolonged endurance (aerobic) activities, such as running, jogging, and cycling.