Vitamins: Part 2

<body><h1>Folic acid:</h1><p>Many people may have what the Canadian researcher Botez at the University of Montreal calls “Folic Acid Deficiency Syndrome”.More than 25 research studies were conducted between the years 1966-1990 in the world.All of them showed folate deficiency in people with mental illnesses, like mental confusion, or depression and schizophrenia in the elderly.But folic acid […]


<body><h1>Vitamins:</h1><p>Mental activity is the result of the functionof billions of neurons and countless biochemical pathways, and related enzymes, and perhaps a slight nutritional deficiency that we neglect could be the causeof a simple change in the activity of an enzyme, and in combination with other minor changes due to similar deficiencies (which causes a clear […]


<body><h1>Water</h1><p>Water is almost a “forgotten” nutrient even though it makes up two-thirds of the human body’s weight, and there are no vital functions without it.Pure water has no odor, no color, and tends to be bluish only if it gets deeper.Pure water freezes at zero degrees Celsius, and salty at -2 and boils at 100 […]


<body><h1>Micro-nutrients</h1><p>Micronutrients are among the elements of good nutrition, as they have vital regulatory activity that provide the conditions for chemical reactions in cells and contribute to the work of all body functions, some of which play a major role in some organs such as calcium in the bones, fluorine in the teeth, and iron in […]

Fats or lipids

<body><h1>Fatsor lipids:</h1><p>It includes dietary fats, oils or butter, and these materials contribute to composition of meat, milk, eggs, nuts and some plant-based food. Fats are a concentrated and reserve source of energy, and they are one of the basic components of cell membranes, and are necessary for the absorption and use of some vitamins in […]


<body><h1>Proteins:</h1><p>The term Proteno comes from a Greek word meaning “I am in first place”Proteins are life. Every functionin the body can only be done with the availability of protein, its absence means the absence of life.Proteins are the building blocks of the human body, and they are necessary for the formation and maintenance of muscles, […]

Sugars or carbohydrates

<body><h1>Sugars or carbohydrates:</h1><p>These include sugary, starchy and vegetable fibers:These substances are the main source of energy for large segments of the people in the worldThey may be simple monosaccharides, such as glucose, fructose, and galactose, or double-sucrose, lactose and maltose, or multiple sugars, such as starch, glycogen, cellulose fibers, and pectins.As for fiber, they are […]