Studs and Duds – The Rating System

Studs and Duds – The Rating System Each sport supplement ingredient reviewed in this app has been evaluated for efficacy in two parts. The first examination is at the clinical level. This concerns any scientific data or actual human trials that can help us determine the value of said ingredient as a performance-enhancing supplement. The second […]

Carbohydrate Supplementation

<body><h1>Carbohydrate Supplementation</h1><p> &nbsp;Of the three classes of nutrients (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates), carbohydrates are the most active source of fuel during exercise. Carbohydrates in their most basic form are simple sugar molecules called monosaccharides. The most common monosaccharides are glucose, galactose, and fructose. Larger carbohydrates are made up of two or more monosaccharides in a […]

Vitamins and Minerals

<body><h1>Vitamins and Minerals</h1><p><span style=”color: black;”> &nbsp;While the focus of this app is the review of ergogenic supplements, it is important to discuss, at least briefly, some general aspects of nutrition. We have already discussed the protein and carbohydrate requirements of athletes, and the various forms of supplementation. This section pertains to vitamins and minerals. These […]

Protein Primer

Protein Primer  Zu einem aktiven sportlichen Mensch gehört es, darauf zu achten, dass mit der Nahrung genügend Eiweiß aufgenommen wird. Eiweiß ist für viele Dinge unerlässlich. Es liefert die Rohstoffe, die für die Reparatur und das Wachstum der Muskelzellen notwendig sind. Es ist eine wichtige Energiequelle für die Muskeln. Es hilft sogar, einen optimalen Stoffwechselzustand […]